In order to solve differential equation using Laplace transform, one has to take Laplace transform of both sides of equation, using the properties of the transform, solve for image Y(s)≡L[y(t)], and take inverse Laplace transform.
Using property L[y′(t)]=sY(s)−y(0), table Laplace transform L(eat)=s−a1, and taking transform of both sides of y′(t)+4y(t)=6e2t, obtain:
Using initial condition y(0)=3 and simplifying, obtain Y(s)[s+4]=s−26+3=s−23s, from where Y(s)=(s+4)(s−2)3s.
In order to take inverse Laplace transform, one has to expand the last expression into partial fractions: (s+4)(s−2)3s=s+4A+s−2B. Putting terms in the right hand side to common denominator, and equating the coefficients next to powers of s in the numerator of left and right hand side, obtain system of linear equations for A,B:
A+B=3;−2A+4B=0, which has roots A=2;B=1.
Hence, (s+4)(s−2)3s=s+42+s−21.
From table transform L[eat]=s−a1, the inverse of expressions like s−a1 is L−1[s−a1]=eat.
Therefore, the solution is y(t)=L−1[Y(s)]=L−1[s+42+s−21]=2e−4t+e2t.
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