(a) In some situations the mode of the given data is a better representative value of the data than the mean of this data, for example, if data are measured in a nominal (and even sometimes ordinal) scale.
(b) Primary school children need to learn about chance, for example, they may learn about probability as part of their learning about data handling.
(c) The product of two integers a and b need not be greater than a or b because it is more clear for children to understand, for example, 5×4 = 20, but 3×0.5 = 1.5.
(d) There is more than one way of dividing a three digit integer by a single digit natural number, for example, either with reminder, or without reminder.
(e) Both, inductive and deductive reasoning can be used when applying the principle of mathematical induction because these methods are similar, as they are reverse to each other.
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