1. (2 Points) Explain clearly why the solution to the homogeneous system Ax = 0 with a nonsingular
coecient matrix is x = 0.
2. (2 Points) Under what conditions does a diagonal matrix D = diag(d1,d2,.....,dn) have an inverse
D^-1? What is the inverse D^-1 when these conditions are met? Justify your answers.
3. (3 Points) Let A be an mxn matrix and B be an nxm matrix where m > n. Show that the nxn matrix AB is not invertible.
Expert's answer
1. If A is nonsingular thendetA <>0 and there is A^(-1). So A^(-1)A=A^(-1)0 => x=A^(-1)0=0
2. If there is some F that DF=FD=I then F have to be too diagonal and F = diag(f1,f2,.....,fn). Then we have that f_i * d_i = 1. So, D is invertible iff each d_i is invertible, and then D^(-1)=diag{d1^(-1), ... , dn^(-1)}.
3. It is well known that if a is m by n matrix then rank(A) <= min{m,n}. In our case we have that rank(A)<=n, rank(B)<=n. also for any matrices we know that rank(AB)<=min{rank(A),rank(B)} We have that AB will be m by m matrix and thus it will be invertible iff det(AB)<>0 iff rank(AB)=m, but rank(AB)<=min{rank(A),rank(B)}<=n<m so AB is not invertible.
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