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10.12.15, 00:42
Dear samagra. Points inside the triangle lie above the graphs of
y=-2x/3+1/3, y=5x/6-1/6 (that is, 2x+3y-1=0, 5x-6y-1=0) and lie below
the graph of y=-x/2+3/2 (that is, x+2y-3=0). Algebraically it can be
expressed as y>-2x/3+1/3, y>5x/6-1/6, y0, 5x-6y-1
09.12.15, 18:09
Sir why we have taken the inequality
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Dear samagra. Points inside the triangle lie above the graphs of y=-2x/3+1/3, y=5x/6-1/6 (that is, 2x+3y-1=0, 5x-6y-1=0) and lie below the graph of y=-x/2+3/2 (that is, x+2y-3=0). Algebraically it can be expressed as y>-2x/3+1/3, y>5x/6-1/6, y0, 5x-6y-1
Sir why we have taken the inequality
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