The angle at the vertex of a cone is measured using a 30mm diameter coin as shown in the figure below. If the coin lies 3.72mm below the top of the cone, determine the value of angle θ.
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24.07.20, 19:56
The figure for this question is unknown. If another angle theta was
expected in the solution, then the angle at the vertex can be 2*(90
degrees - arctan(0.248)).
24.07.20, 19:27
I have a problem with the placement of the angle teta at the edge
instead of the vertex.
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The figure for this question is unknown. If another angle theta was expected in the solution, then the angle at the vertex can be 2*(90 degrees - arctan(0.248)).
I have a problem with the placement of the angle teta at the edge instead of the vertex.
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