The speculative profit can be made in the following way :
i) Borrow GHS 10million for 5 days at 7.25% , Amount to be repaid after 5 days = GHS 10 million "\\times" (1+0.0725"\\times" "\\frac{5}{365}" ) = GHS 10,009,932
ii) Convert the GHS 10 million to Dollars to get "\\frac{10million}{4.48}" = "\\$" 2,232,142.86
iii) Invest this amount for 5 days at 7.10% to get $ 2232142.86 "\\times" (1+0.071"\\times" "\\frac{5}{365}" ) = "\\$" 2,234,313.85 after 5 days
iv) After 5 days, get $2,234,313.85 and sell it at 4.50 (if speculation is correct) to get GHS 2234313.85"\\times" 4.50 = GHS 10,054,412
v) Repay the GHS borrowing amount of GHS 10,009,932
and make a speculative profit of GHS 10,054,412 - GHS 10,009,932 = GHS 44481
Profit in Dollars = GHS 44481"\/" 4.50 = $9884.62
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