Let us consider the formula "(pq) \\to [(p\\to q)\\to q]." Let us show that this formula is a tautology using the method by contradiction. Suppose that the formula is not tautology. Then there exists "(p_0,q_0)" such that "|(p_0q_0) \\to [(p_0\\to q_0)\\to q_0]|=F." It follows from definition of implication that "|p_0q_0|=T, |(p_0\\to q_0)\\to q_0|=F." It follows from definition of conjunction that "|p_0|=|q_0|=T."
On the other hand, we have "|(p_0\\to q_0)\\to q_0|=(T\\to T)\\to T=T\\to T=T\\ne F." This contradiction proves that the formula "(pq) \\to [(p\\to q)\\to q]" is a tautology.
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