Consider the following assertions about the sets A, B and C. Write them down in the language of predicate logic. Use only the constructions of predicate logic (∀, ∃, ¬, ⇒, ∧, ∨) and the element of symbol (∈). Do not use derived notions (∩, ∪, =, etc.).
Hint “A is a subset of B” can be formalized as ∀x. x ∈ A =⇒ x ∈ B.
(iii) The sets A and B are equal.
Every element of A is in the set B or the set C.
If A is disjoint from B then B and C overlap.
The sets A and B are equal.
"\\forall x (x\\isin A\\implies x \\in B) \\land (x \\in B \\implies x \\in A)."
Every element of A is in the set B or the set C.
"\\forall x (x \\in A )\\implies (x\\in B \\lor x \\in C)."
If A is disjoint from B then B and C overlap.
"\\forall x ((x \\in A \\land x \\notin B)\\lor (x \\in B \\land x \\notin A)\\implies (x \\in B \\land x\\in C)."
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