The tables of relations R1 and R2 (tables at the top of the picture) can be rewritten as they are shown at the bottom of the picture.
From these tables it is clear that R2 is a reflexive relation (for all x R2(x,x)=1) but R1 is not reflexive (since R1(4,4)=0).
Both R1 and R2 are anti-symmetric (since their matrices are upper-triangular). This means that if "x\\ne y" and Ri(x,y)=1 then Ri(y,x)=0. Indeed, if Ri(x,y)=1then the cell (x,y) is located at the upper triangle of the matrix. Therefore, the cell (y,x) is located at the lower triangle and Ri(x,y)=0.
Both R1 and R2 are transitive. Indeed, the equality Ri(x,y)=1 implies that the y-column of the matrix is located to the right of the x-column of the matrix. The equality Ri(y,z)=1 implies that the z-column of the matrix is located to the right of the y-column of the matrix. therefore, the z-column is located to right of the x-column. The transitivity will be broken, if Ri(x,z)=0.
From the tables we get that this case may be possible only if x=2 and z=4.
But for all y R1(y,z)=R1(y,4)=0 and hence, there is no possibilities to break transitivity of R1.
If R2(x,y)=R2(2,y)=1 then y must be equal to 2 and therefore "R_2(y,z)=0\\ne 1". This also implies that R2 is transitive.
Since R1 and R2 are ant-i-symmetric and transitive relations, they are partial orders on A.
With respect to the relation R1 2 and 4 are two maximal elements, but not the greatest, and 3 is a minimal element. As it is a unique minimal element, it is the least element also.
With respect to the relation R2 2 and 4 are two minimal elements, but not the least, and 3 is a maximal element. As it is a unique maximal element, it is the greatest element also.
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