If we have two graph G = (V, E) and G0 = (V, E0 ) on the same set V of vertices we call the union G ∪ G0 the graph (V, E ∪ E0 ). Next we have two claim about the chromatic number χ(G ∪ G0 ) of G ∪ G0 .Prove that χ(G∪G0 ) ≤ χ(G)∗χ(G0 ). Hint: consider assigning a color to each vertex in V based on its color in colorings of G and G0 .
We use the colors on "G" and "G_0" to make pairs of colors and use these pairs as colors on "G\\bigcup G_0". Define coloring on "G": "c_1(v)" and on "G_0" : "c_2(v)" .
Then we get coloring on "G\\bigcup G_0" : "(c_1(v),c_(v))" . So, we can get at most "\\chi_1\\chi_2" different pairs of colors.
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