State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer with the help of a short proof or a counter example.
i) Equation cos(x+y)p + sin(x+y)q = z^2
is a quasi-linear equation.
ii) The solution of PDE
dz/dx + dz/dy =z^2 is z = -[y+f(x-y)]
Iii)(dz/dx)(dz/dy) - (dz/dy)^2 = 0
is a non-linear PDE.
1) True. It's linear with respect to the derivatives (p and q)
"2) z_x=-f'(x-y); z_y=-1+f'(x-y)"
"z_x+z_y=-1 {=}\\mathllap{\/\\,} z ^\n2"
3)True. It contains a nonlinear element "({dz\\above{2pt} dy})^2"
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