Test the following numbers for divisibility by 6,9 and 11( Do not divide or factories)
a) 6 184 046
b)21 589 434
a) 6184046 is the even number.
Sum of digits: 6+1+8+4+0+4+6=29 is not divisible by 3.
Thus, 6184046 is not divisible by 6.
Sum of odd digits: 6+8+0+6=20.
Sum of even digits: 1+4+4=9.
Since sum of odd digits does not equal to sum of even digits, 6184046 is not divisible by 11.
b) 21589434 is the even number.
Sum of digits: 2+1+5+8+9+4+3+4=36 is divisible by 3.
Thus, 21589434 is divisible by 6.
Sum of odd digits: 2+5+9+3=19.
Sum of even digits: 1+8+4+4=17.
Since sum of odd digits does not equal to sum of even digits, 21589434 is not divisible by 11.
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