hich of the following statements are true? Give reasons for your answers. i) If a group G is isomorphic to one of its proper subgroups, then G = Z. ii) If x and y are elements of a non-abelian group (G, ∗) such that x ∗ y = y ∗ x, then x = e or y = e, where e is the identity of G with respect to . ∗ iii) There exists a unique non-abelian group of prime order. iv) If (a, b)∈A× A, where A is a group, then o((a, b)) = o(a)o(b). v) If H and K are normal subgroups of a group G, then hk = kh ∀ h ∈H, k ∈K.
(i)True- Take the set of polynomials in a variable x
x with integer coefficients, it is an infinitely generated group on the generating set
{"1,x,x^2,x^3,\u2026" }. Take the proper subgroup of polynomials involving only the even powers: It is a proper subgroup isomorphic to the whole group (it is infact isomorphic even as a ring).
(ii) True- since x and y follows asccociative law and also holds the same results for multiplication with identity element.
(iii) False- It is not necessary that there always exists a unique non-abelian group of prime order.
(iv) False- As the elemnts a and b are in the cartesian product form so "o((a,b))\\neq o(a)o(b)" .
(v) True- As H and K are the normal subgroups of a group G, So due to the reversible properties of Normal subgroups we will easily get "hk = kh ,\u2200 h \u2208H, k \u2208K" .
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