Explain how a good marketer can create advantage by adding services to its core products and a service marketer by adding goods. Illustrate your answer in detail in 7 points with elaboration , by quoting examples from the real world of business ?
In a world or market where competition is inevitable, value addition to products or services is essential in order to maintain market share. Creating a product or sevice means diversification which helps in generating sales and minimizing risks of downfall in case one is experiencing downtorn in the market. A goods marketer can add services for him/her to create advantage. For example by providing bundling and packaging services to its customers thus improving customer satisfaction. secondly, providence of transitioning and educational services to new customers for example in an hotel, new customers are given orientations by trained personnel. on the other hand a service provider can also add products in order to take advantage in the following ways: first by providing a good that is a complement to the service provided for example in a hotel industry, goods such as food and drinks can be added to that industry. Another example of how a product marketer can create advantage is by hiring a highly skilled and dedicated personnel : every product company should have specialists in every department for example accountants and markerketing personnel.
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