Write an essay on the role of marketing in an organisation.
Show some planning on the essay by showing some key words that you will write about.
Also keep in mind your flow of your essay, show where your introduction, Body and conclusion is.
Make sure your essay has an introduction of at least 4 paragraphs
Role of Marketing in an Organization
The marketing department plays a key role in improving a business. It also impacts on the mission of an organization. It serves as the face of the company. Therefore, marketing plays various roles in an organization.
The marketing department define and manage the brand of the company. Marketing defines what type of the business an organization is, what it stand for, what it does, and how an organization acts. This in turns help defines the experience an organization would want the customers and partners have.
Besides, marketing helps create the content by providing research engine optimization for the company's website. The organization's is responsible for keeping web information. It also ensures that company's website comes up quickly when someone is searching for such kind of business.
In conclusion, marketing plays key role in an organization. It helps define and manage the brand of the company. Also, it helps create content by providing search engine optimization.
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