Health and Nutrition Start-Up, Habbit makes consumer debut with a range of innovative & delicious Products. Habbit Wise Creams are the lowest calorie ice creams in the world. Every serving has less than 50 calories, which is less than half an apple. Available in 6 gourmet flavours such as Blueberry Crumble, Salted Caramel, Lychee Blush, etc. Wise Creams contain zero added sugar and are keto + diabetic friendly. Prepare an appropriate Segmentation Strategy for the new launch. Considering that they have entered in consumer market for the first time, how should the brand be positioned in the market?
In preparation for an appropriate segmentation marketing of Habbit health and nutrition products, they should take the following steps;
a) Identifying the target market and the target audience’s needs, for instance, launching its natural and healthy snacking options such as nutrition, cookies, and zero carbonated sugar beverages to the market.
b) By creating subgroups within the groups for effective results. For an instant, they can position the fitness-focused individuals for protein products.
c) Review the target audience’s needs, for example, reviewing customer's complains or issues related to the products to suit their lifestyle.
d) Naming the market segment to make the market implementation easier.
e) Devising practical strategies to promote brands amongst each segment, for instance, packaging the Wise ice creams in large jars to make them intimidating by being too technical and functional.
Considering that they have entered in consumer market for the first time, how should the brand be positioned in the market? Brand positioning is the process of locating one’s brand in the mind of their clients. On how to position the brand in the market, they should consider the below steps;
a) Defining how their brand is currently positioning itself.
b) Identifying their direct competitors.
c) Understanding how each competitor is establishing its brand
d) Linking their positioning to their competitors to identify their weaknesses.
e) Developing a distinct and value-based positioning idea.
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