Step 1: Situational analysis using existing data bases to identify key issues and set program priorities.
Step 2: Determination of analyzed needs to identify the main areas of concern.
step 3: Situation analysis primary data from stakeholders to determine the prescribed needs of stakeholders.
Step 4: Regional mapping to obtain data from a cross section of a population. This step involves the segmentation of a region to have different groups of people presenting varying ideas and interests.
Step 5: Collection of primary data from the segmented areas to facilitate methodological triangulation of data on citizen's expressed opinions.
Step 6: List issues that consistently appeared as important in step 2,3 and 5.
Step 7: Conduct external assets assessments to reach untapped skills and talents, as well as the organizations that express the identified issue. This step enables communities to participate in the solution of presented needs using community resources and assets from the extension.
Step 8: Prioritize issues that were consistently deemed as most important, as well as those for which community assets can be mobilized.
Step 9: Examine the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of priority issues to plan effective programs that address priority issues in a comprehensive and holistic way.
Step 10: Each stakeholder enters to the priority issues database the priority issues, internal and external assets, as well as the integrated programming strategies to address issues.This step facilitates collaborative programming.
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