The management needs to adopt the following Henry Fayol’s principle of management. Of the 14 principles, they are most suitable in addressing the case of M/s Paper White corporation.
a) Scalar Chain: The organization needs to have a clear line of authority, ensuring that each employee is aware of the hierarchy of leadership, that is who they should be answering to at any given time.
b) Unity of Command: With the knowledge of the leadership hierarchy, the employee should be aware of who is giving the orders, the concept of respecting order has to be upheld.
c) Division of work: Each staff should be presented with a job description that captures most of the responsibilities they have specialized. They should be aware of their responsibilities. Forming teamwork that can effectively deliver on given tasks falls within division of labor.
d) Order: The employee must be able to access the primary equipment needed to deliver. Otherwise, they will be wasting organization resources idling.
e) Stability and tenure of personal: the management needs to focus more on how the employees are deployed and assigned responsibilities because this is the key to defining the productivity of the organization. Understanding and respecting the specialties of employees support the meaningful development of team for high productivity.
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