Google helps in modernizing the workplace of other organizations but that does not mean that Google itself has an old-fashioned workforce (Wigal et al. 2018). Google in the world is known to be one of the finest organizations and at the same time, the organization is known to have one of the finest and most advanced workforces (Mirbaha et al. 2017). The workforce of Google has diversity in them, has a multicultural attitude in them, has the knowledge of the latest technology, application, and software, have the knowledge of best working practices and others (Mirbaha et al. 2017). All these points out the fact that the workforce of Google has all the latest and modern attributes and though it does modernize other company’s workplace but its own workforce is not at all old-fashioned.
Mirbaha, S., Kashani, P., Arhami Dolatabadi, A., Amini, A., Meschi, F. and Baratloo, A., 2017. The prevalence of personality disorders in nurses: role of the workplace environment. Journal of Emergency Practice and Trauma, 3(2), pp.59-63.
Wigal, T., Childress, A., Frick, G., Yan, B., Wigal, S. and Madhoo, M., 2018. Effects of SHP465 mixed amphetamine salts in adults with ADHD in a simulated adult workplace environment. Postgraduate medicine, 130(1), pp.111-121.
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