2. Organizations with highly motivated staff met their objectives more quickly, resulting to increase their profits for the long term.
Discuss strategy or reward programs to increase the motivation of your staffs. You may refer to any theories of motivation learnt in class to support your answer.
An employer is tasked with the responsibility of figuring out the best way to enhance the capability of workers. The idea is based on the operant conditioning theory that supports that behavior reinforced is likely to be repeated. For instance, the employees will feel secure and have a sense of belonging if their personal challenges are addressed through assurance of self-fulfillment and job satisfaction. That will gather for their intrinsic desires. Meanwhile, physical rewards, bonuses, and salaries should also be enhanced to boost the morale and the efficacy of the employees. In that light, those employees that work hard to conform to the objectives of the organization are given a priority while rewarded to encourage hard work.
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