Rohit Khurana accepted a promotion as manager with mixed feelings. His former job as an officer at Delhi Development Authority involved regular contact with the general public and processing their complaints. With his job role, he built a good picture of DDA in the minds of the public. His new job as manager is a desk job, working with files relating to the applicants registered for various housing projects. Rohit missed the routine of his old job. He had a private office now, but he felt he wasn't a good fit. When he submitted his first report on the housing project to the Director, it was OK but the Director suggested some changes that meant Rohit had really got off the track. The Director said don't worry, “We all have to learn a new job”. The more Rohit considered it, the more he want to revert to his old role. But he hesitated for fear that he would be disqualified for future promotions.
a What to do to rectify this situation as Rohit's boss?
b Could this situation be avoided altogether?
a. Rohit's Boss needs to analyze Khurana's previous positions and identify his strengths so that he can capitalize on his strengths for the productivity of the company. Meanwhile, The Boss should start developing a culture of establishing employees who are all round in that they are flexible to fit in any role and deliver so that in future there are no cases of employees feeling as if the only place they can work within a firm is definite, and otherwise jobless.
b. Yes, this situation could easily be avoided if Rohit had taken the initiative of wanting to learn other components and skills required within the company to allow for days when maybe an expert is incapacitated.
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