Simon enters into a contract with William. In terms of the contract Simon is responsible to build a house for William. They agree that William will pay him the sum of N$ 200 000 for the work to be conducted. The contract is signed on the 1st of October 2021.
2.1 Identify the type of contract entered into by the parties. (1 mark)
2.2 Simon informed William that he could only start working once William has provided him with the necessary tools and equipment for the work. Advise William of his legal position in respect of Simon’s request.(2 marks)
2.3 If one of the workers working for Simon committed a delict while performing his job, who will be responsible for the damages caused to a third party?(2 marks)
2.1Fixed-Price Contracts
2.2 Corporations can convey their disapproval of workforce alliances to staff, but they cannot stop organizations from recruiting personnel or penalizing staff members for endorsing a trade. Firms should fair negotiating as well. During talks, labor associations are also required to operate in fairness.
2.3 Firstly, if the workplace was careless in recruiting or keeping the free subcontractor, William may be held responsible for the misbehavior of the free contractor. Finally, if the responsibilities provided to a self-employed are quasi, the employer may be held responsible.
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