Adaptive cultures:
1. top team support, 2. plan and manage the change, 3. communicate, 4. manage people, 5. work in groups.
These five key adaptation success factors need to be considered and discussed with appropriate examples as businesses move from traditional engagement to online engagement to achieve sustainability during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
The top team support encourages senior management to actively engage in the projects and manage the teams virtually on the ground. The support team ensures that everyone is connected during virtual meeting by sharing of the meeting links to all involved.
Planning and managing change is important in business because when positive change is applied correctly, productivity increases and the cost of production reduces hence increase in profitability in the organization.
Effective communication creates a good working relationship between the top management and the employees which in turn improves the morale and efficiency of the business. The communication tools in the organization should be communicated clearly to everyone to avoid communication gaps.
Well managed and trained people are the main source of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Managed people will provide effectiveness when they understand the goals of the organization and focus their energy on tasks that support the goals.
Group works in the organization are very important as they give members of the groups opportunities to bond with one another and improve their relationship. Group work increases accountability for every member of the group especially when working under people who command respect in the organization.
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