. Explain the NOx emissions of Diesel cars. (What environmental problem it causes, health problems related to it, how it can be managed in diesel vehicles, why VW did not opt to use it, Standards set in US, how it is regulated)
NOX are oxides of nitrogen such as nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen dioxide .They cause acid rain, depletion of protective ozone layer, and smog that reduces visibility.
Nitrogen oxides have severe health afflictions as they cause respiratory diseases, cancer and eye irritation.
one common way to reduce nitrogen oxides from engine emissions is by use of a catalyst which reduces it chemically to ammonia or nitrogen which does not affect the environment.
The catalytic converters affect car engines by creating a significant source of engine back-pressure. Without catalytic converters, exhaust gases exit much fasters hence high efficiency of engines.
The US government set a 100ppb per hour based on the 3-year average of 98th percentile of the yearly distribution of 1-hour daily maximum concentrations, and an annual standard at a level of 53 ppb.
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