According to F A O (1992) forest management is a branch of forestry concerned with overall adminstrative , legal, economic, and social aspects ,as well as scientific and technical aspects such as silviculture , protection, and Forest regulation.this includes management for aesthetics,fish, recreation,urban values,water, wilderness, wildlife,wood products, forest genetic resources,and other forest resources can be based on conservation, economics, or a mixture of the two.Techniques include timber extraction, planting and replanting of different species, cutting roads and pathways through forests,and preventing fire.
Evaluate the definition above of forest management planning by F A O 1992
If whether or not the definition is sufficient for managing forest on sustainable basis?
The definition advocate for sustainable development as it introduces protection of the forest strategies to ensure future generation will enjoy the resources if people are encouraged to replant the trees when they are cut down. Protection of ecosystem surrounding the forests is essential to ensure sufficient management of land under tree plantation. But is not sufficient because it encourages timber extraction and cutting of ways through the forests.
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