How leading organizations design and manage service processes in marketing environment , explain by giving 7 points with elaboration for design and 7 points with elaboration for management ?
Service Quality
Service processes are designed to portray the quality of the products and services that the organization is producing.
Service Culture
The service process is meant to uphold the reputation of the organization as a provider of quality products and services.
The Service itself
The service process should be tailor made to suit the organizational needs and wants.
Service Location
The design of the service process considers the location at which the service will be provided.
Level of Customer Contact
The point of contact or the penetration to the customers is a good factor when designing a service process.
Complexity of the Service
The service process should be easy to grasp for the marketing team so that they can easily perform on the field.
Customer Retention
The service process is meant to retain the existing customers.
Employee Engagement
The management should engage the employees when designing a service process.
Vision and Mission of the Organization
A service process should help an organization achieve its vision and mission.
Increased Revenue
A service process should help the management attract more customers and hence increase revenue.
Achieve More Markets
By attracting more customers a service process helps an organization to reach more markets.
Customer Satisfaction
A service process is meant to ensure that an organization’s customers are always satisfied.
Target Market
The service process should help the management discover more target markets (Palmer, 2013).
The Industry in Which the Organization Operates
The service process has to be industry specific and best suited to the industry under which the organization operates.
Palmer, A., 2013. EBOOK: Principles of Services Marketing. McGraw Hill.
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