After a new business information system is developed, there are different conversion strategies
that an Information System analyst team follows to switch from old system to the newly
developed system. Discuss these conversion strategies briefly and suggest one which you think
most risky in terms of information loss
Parallel Strategy
Here both systems are run together concurrently until the new system starts to function well and eventually replace the old.
Direct Cutover
The new system replaces the old system abruptly in a specified date. This is the most risky strategy in that there will be data loss since there is no system backup.
Pilot Program
The new system is launched first in a segment of the organization first and then finally in the rest of the organization.
Phased Approach
The new system is launched systematically and in stages according to the needs of the organization (Makdisie et al, 2018).
Makdisie, C., Haidar, B. and Alhelou, H.H., 2018. An optimal photovoltaic conversion system for future smart grids. In Handbook of research on power and energy system optimization (pp. 601-657). IGI Global.
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