The ethical issues in capital markets include; Scams, unfair trading practices, churning by sales representatives, insiders trading, securities scams, frauds and window dressing. some of the consequences include;
- There will be loss of investor trust in the capital markets if there is no transparency in the capital markets.
- There will be low customer retention since most people do not wish to be associated with inefficient systems.
- There might be lawsuits or severe actions in form of fines from the government or relevant authorities.
- It might also lead to closure of businesses where the laws are strict on such violations.
- it leads to loss of credibility for the parties involved.
- it damages employee relations in the companies involved especially if only a small portion participates in unethical practices.
- Employee performance is also affected by the violations of the ethical issues since if they lead into a lawsuit, they will be spending much time handling the cases than being involved in productive works.
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