Select an advertisement or marketing campaign that you are absolutely positive about. How has that advertisement or campaign affected your relationship to the product/service/brand/social topic it represented? Which personal and cultural factors might explain your liking for that advertisement or campaign? Critically discuss also the factors that could have affected the effectiveness of the ad or campaign. Provide relevant recommendations to marketers (and if applicable to public policy makers) based on your discussion
Love your Cervix campaign was launched by Wales government in 12th September 2018. This was run on Twitter to create awareness on cervical cancer and it encouraged women in the age of 25 to 29 years to undergo cervical screening. Women who undergo cervical screening at early ages are able to keep having cervical cancer checkups over time and thus reducing cases of it in future measurably. To create awareness the head of the Programme launched the campaign on twitter under hash tag #loveyourcervix to encourage many youths to undergo testing since it had increased significantly and was becoming a serious health issue in Wales.
The campaign on twitter has been elaborating on the ways on how one can get cervical cancer such as human papillomavirus (HPV) reaching high levels which can be passed by Sexual contact. I liked the advert because it was creating awareness in helping the vulnerable in the society and affected my social life positively; it was of very good intention and not creation of revenues as some adverts are intended.
The advertisement was effective because it was run on twitter where many youths in the age of 25 to 29 years are and therefore easily reachable to as many as possible. Also, the government had a hand in it and thus its success.
Marketers should always be target specific such that they understand the dynamics of the market and the channel they use is targeting as many people as possible to ensure wide coverage. Secondly, they should ensure the adverts have a moral feature on the society to curb serial issues affecting the society and not always money oriented.
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