the recent COVID 19 pandemic has turned the world upside down with several businesses shutting shop owning to mounting losses. Yet, in these pandemic times, e-commerce is one twinkling star that has been gathering strength after strength. How has Direct Selling Experience via Amazon India helped small scale manufacturers of handicrafts or any other item of your choice during these pandemic times. As an external consultant, try to analyze the reasons behind the success of these small-scale manufacturers. Provide some statistics on how technology has made the lives of small-scale manufacturers simpler? In your opinion, do you see this as a future once the Covid-19 crisis gets over or do you see manufacturers trying to sell their handicraft/other products face to face again?
Millions of small business owners across the various countries face a similar challenge due to the pandemic of coronavirus that has brought down most countries economy since their customers stay at home to lessen the spread of the virus. Although many small businesses are suffering loses, others have survived due to the use of innovation of the current technology of e-commerce thereby improving their lives as small-scale manufacturers through generating new opportunities as the economy recovers. Again, the direct selling experience via Amazon India has made a sense of hope for small scale businesses to obtain strength in marketing their products every day. In addition, many small-scale businesses manufacturers that choose to advertise their products through the social media platforms earn more revenue since more than 1000 people watch shows that are aired every day hence attracting more consumers to purchase their products online. In my opinion, as the Covid-19 crisis rises, small scale business manufactures adopting e-commerce would be ideal for them to reach most consumers compared to selling face to face products.
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