Study the research description below and answer the questions that follow
An educational research is interested in studying the relationship between learners’ participation in two after school programs and academic achievement. Learners were grouped into two groups. One group of learners participated in an after school program that emphasized critical thinking while the other group participated in an after school program that emphasized rote memorization.
1.1 Formulate a suitable hypothesis and a research question for this study. (4) 1.2 Name any 2 of the variables in this study. (2) 1.3 Identify which are the independent variable (s) and dependent variable (s). (2) 1.4. State the appropriate research design for this study. Justify your choice. (3)
Hypothesis: Learners who participate in the critical thinking after school program achieved a higher educational acheivement as compared to learners who participated in the rote memorization after school program.
Research Question: What are the impacts of the critical thinking and rote memorization after school programs on learners educational acchievements.
Variable1: Rote memorization after school program (independent variable)
Variable2: critical thinking after school program (independent variable)
variable 3: educational achievement (dependent variable)
Research Design: Correltional reseaarch design. This is good for the current study as it will show the rlations between the independent variable and the dependent variable
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