What does each of the theories on leadership behaviour say about leadership?
Expert's answer
Task-oriented leaders- Leadership focuses on initiating , organizing, clarifying and information gathering (System and structures present in their organization)
People-oriented leaders- Leaders observe, encourage, listen, coach and mentor their teams.
Democratic/Participative leadership- Leaders consult their various teams when establishing systems and methods for attaining their team's goals by communicating, collaborating, encouraging and delegating tasks.
Dictatorial leadership- Leaders focus on the pursuit of productivity at the expense of their subordinates
Sound team leaders- Leaders exhibit sound communication, encourage their teams, listen and implement feedback from their subordinates, provide resources to supplement employees skills, allowing staff autonomy as well as tasks ownership translating to high organizational productivity.
Opportunistic leadership- Leaders are concerned with adjusting their approach based on the strategies that will facilitate the realization of their organizational goals and objectives.
Paternalistic leadership- Leaders under this approach support their staff in improving their skills, reward success while punishing failures and focus on their teams end results.
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