The environmental impact of plastic waste in ghana and solutions
Over the past years, plastic waste has become a very pressing environmental issue in many economies. Plastics causes harm to animals, human, and plants through toxic pollutants. Plastics take many years to break down; thus, their damage is lasting. For instance, microplastics entering the body of humans through direct exposure such as through inhalation or ingestion can lead to an array of many health impacts to many Ghanaians. Similarly, plastics causes environmental pollution in the country which makes the environment unsutaible for living. The plastics also lead to blockage and pollution of rivers and streams which pollutes the water making it unsuitable for human consumption. Moreover, plastics blocks various outlet channels and leads to landscape disfigurement. Further, millions of animals such as birds, fish and other marine animals die due to plastic waste dumped in water bodies. The solution to ensure no plastic wastes is by putting measures to ensure manufacturer of recyclable products that are less harmful to the environment. Another solution to plastic waste is preventing the plastic wastes from entering the water bodies through improved waste management and recycling. Last but not least, manufacturers should reduce the manufacturing of unnecessary single use plastics in large quantities and look for alternatives.
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