Provide the 7 key elements of fiction of the selection “Tungkung Langit and Alunsina”
There are key elements of fiction in selection “Tungkung Langit and Alunsina”. They include;
1. Theme. The theme is the main idea the writer of the story wants the reader to understand and remember. For example; Image result for theme of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina” “Tungkung Langit and Alunsina” is ultimately a story about love and loss. At the heart of this classic, it aims to reconcile how there can be a benevolent god when there is so much suffering in the world. This story has a striking parallel to the creation story in Genesis. It is a mythical story of how the world was made.
2. Plot. Tungkung Langit and Alunsina” has various plot elements like exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and resolution.
3. Setting. The setting of tungkung langit and alunsina is ethereal space.
4. Character. Title Tungkung Langit and Alunsina characters Tungkung Langit-is the supreme god and ruler of Ibabawnon(Upper world). Alunsina- is the wife of Tungkung Langit also the goddes of jealousy. Setting Ethereal Space. Symbol Tungkung langit symbolizes the sky while Alunsina symbolizes the earth.
5. Conflict. Alunsina was a jealous goddess, and she always sends the sea breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit. When the god found this out, he was not pleased.
6. Point of view. This is the “narrative point of view,” how the story is told—more specifically, who tells it. In the beginning everything was shapeless and formless. The earth, the sky, the sea, and the air were almost mixed up. In a word, there was only confusion. Then from the depth of this formless void there appeared the god Tungkung Langit and the goddess Alunsina.
7. Symbol. The basic point of a story or a poem rarely depends solely on understanding a symbol. Tungkung langit symbolizes the sky while Alunsina symbolizes the earth.
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