You have been asked to develop a training program for interviewers. An integral part of this training program focuses on helping interviewers develop better social perception skills. Write an outline for this section of the training program. Be sure to address barriers to social perception and ways to avoid them.
Social barriers definition
They are inequalities and differences associated with different people in the society; they can be caused by genders, races, religions, ethnicities, or socioeconomic statuses.
How interviewers can develop better social perception skills
· They should avoid rigid schemas and reliance.
· They should view socializing forces critically.
· They should distort all influences like culture.
Barriers to social perceptions
· Selection perception. It means choosing information regarding our beliefs and leaving other information that does not support our views.
· Stereotyping through group generalizations.
· First impression error. Leaning majorly on the first impression forming lasting impressions.
· Projection. Believing others to be similar to us and our own beliefs and values are correct.
· Self-fulfilling prophesy—expectation with a positive response.
Ways to avoid social perceptions barriers
· Examine and correct assumptions.
· Seek clarity on unclear issues.
· Examine and improve body language.
· Listen to other people about their fears.
· Invite people into processes of change.
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