Assertive communication is the ability to our negative and positive feelings in an honest way while still respecting the rights of others. Assertive communicators have a clear picture of the message they are conveying. Unlike assertive communication, aggressive communication does not take into account the feelings of others. Passive communicators do not express what they are feeling. They have an inability to say ‘no’.
Assertive communication helps in maintaining a healthy work environment.
The communicator confidently states their needs, they understand that others may have different views and are willing to listen and then rationally conclude. Passive communicators may hide a lot of anger beneath their silence. Aggressive communicators want to get their ideas across forcefully. Disagreements are minimal when people communicate assertively.
Assertive communication enhances inter-personal relations in the work environment.
When people are willing to speak their mind and understand that others may have different views, then they communicate a lot better. Passive and aggressive communicators do not accept other people’s views.
Innovation is encouraged.
Team members feel motivated to come up with new ideas and share them without fear. Passive communicators are not willing to speak up, aggressive communicators on the other hand may not want to be corrected.
Apart from better team performance, individuals grow at a personal level too.
By being assertive, they become more self-confident. Passive communicators do not express their feelings while aggressive communicators lack empathy and respect.
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