In light of the current issue of IPV and crimes against women, briefly discuss what the implications will be for the police, the courts and correctional services? Please help me need explanation
The Ministry of police should improve and strengthen existing laws and their
implementation to curb IPV. Police should be trained and sensitised about
Intimate Partner Violence (World Health Organisation, 2012: 9). IPV survivors
are often hesitant to disclose their situation, due to stigma. Many have had bad
experiences with service providers who fail to detect their problem or deny that it
exists (Joyner, Rees & Honikman, 2015). The service providers who fail to detect
or accept Intimate Partner Violence include the police. IOL (2019) stressed the
need for decisive action. Decisive action would entail appropriate training for
police officers, to enable them to “sensitively and objectively” investigate
incidents of gender-based violence.
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