Looking at the picture above and your task 2, look in terms of your interaction with your lecturers, and TA’s and your fellow students in the group. - What is the appropriate way to address each of the following people? - Does your form of address change in accordance with your feelings?
"Teacher" (accurately translated) in schools, in areas other than schools and colleges, learners also can refer to their teachers by saying "Mr. X." In colleges or universities, they call their professor by saying "Master" and "Dr." When you first email a professor or tutor, it's greatest to be official. Ensure to: Commence the email with 'Dear' and their title and surname. Make use of their appropriate title (such as 'Dear Dr Smith' instead of 'Dear Mrs Smith').
Because your TAs do not have a Ph.D. thus far, you can assign the honorific "Mr" or "Ms" before their last name (not their first name) or refer to them by their first name if you are on first-name terms with them. It is essential to create a sense of community within fellow learners taking the course. Do not merely inspire them to share their intuitions. Generate learning heaven to contribute, provide an indispensable response, draw effective feedback and interconnect in short, motivating messages.
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