Read the judgment in Bergrivier Municipality v Van Ryn Beck 2019 (4) SA 127 (SCA) and write a
discussion of 500-1000 words. You can find the judgment in conventional law libraries, or online
by conducting a google search or at the website of the Southern African Legal Information Institute
In your discussion, you must:
(a) Discuss what the Supreme Court of Appeal decided in respect of the element of wrongfulness
only in Bergrivier Municipality v Van Ryn Beck 2019 (4) SA 127 (SCA).
In other words, we expect you to explain how the Supreme Court of Appeal came to the conclusion
that the Municipality’s conduct was not wrongful. Please note that no marks will be awarded for
providing the background facts of the case, Bergrivier Municipality v Van Ryn Beck 2019 (4)
SA 127 (SCA) unless they are relevant to your discussion under point (a) above
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