Mr and mrs Mahlangu are married in community of property. For which one of the following legal proceedings does mr Mahlangu need mrs mahlangu's written consent in terms of section 17 of the matrimonial property act 88 of 1884
1. Instituting legal proceedings against his brother in connection with the farm the brothers inherited from their father subject to the condition that the farm must never become part of any joint estate
2. Instituting legal proceedings for the recovery of non-patrimonial loss for a delict his neighbor committed against him
3. Instituting legal proceedings for the recovery of patrimonial loss for a delict his neighbor committed against him
4. Instituting legal proceedings against a client who supplies packaging material to the farm he and his brothers inherited from their father subject to the condition that the farm must never become part of any joint estate
3. Instituting legal proceedings for the recovery of patrimonial loss for a delict his neighbor committed against him
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