What will happen and what could be the effect if the leaders and head of the country has utter disrespect to the principle and guidance of Constitution?
Disrespect for the Constitution's principles and guidance chills communication and collaboration, undercuts individual contributions to care, undermines staff morale, increases staff resignations and absenteeism, creates an unhealthy or hostile work environment, leads to some leaving the profession, and ultimately harms patients. Fear, anger, embarrassment, bewilderment, uncertainty, loneliness, self-doubt, sadness, and a variety of physical illnesses such as sleeplessness, exhaustion, nausea, and hypertension are all symptoms of disrespect.These feelings make it difficult for a person to think clearly, make wise decisions, or speak up about problems or concerns. Disrespectful behavior is also at the basis of problems in creating coodinsted methods to governance improvement. Disrespectful behavior undermines subjects' trust, making individuals less likely to ask questions or share crucial information.
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