Explain how the Kalinago organised thier socities
The Kalinago, also known as the Island Caribs or simply Caribs, are an indigenous people of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean. They may have been related to the MainlandCaribs (Kalina) of South America, but they spoke an unrelated language known as Island-Carib. They also spoke a pidgin language associated with the Mainland Caribs
The Kalinagos social organization was looser than that of the Taino; Kalinago culture emphasized physical prowess and individualism. While settlements had a leader, his authority was limited. War chiefs were chosen from among villagers based on their skill in battles
The social structure of Carib tribes was mostly patriarchal. The men trained as warriors, traveling by canoe on raiding parties. Women primarily carried out domestic duties and farming, and often lived in separate houses from the men. However, women were highly revered and held substantial socio-political power.
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