Contributions of Anthropology
Today we'll look at anthropology, sociology, and political science's contributions to
society. Because each discipline contributed significantly to the development of our society. The
term "society" refers to the structured relationships and institutions that exist among a large
community of people that cannot be reduced to a simple collection or aggregation of individuals.
Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, particularly human behavior, biology, and
societies in the present and past, including past human species. Anthropology can also be defined
as the comparative study of humans, societies, and cultural worlds. In anthropology, society
refers to a group of people who are linked by long-term interaction. Members typically share a
common culture or, at the very least, a recognized set of norms, values, and symbolism that
define the members of the society.
Contribution of Anthropology to The Society
Anthropologists assist us in comprehending how various societies organize themselves
politically and economically. Anthropologists are increasingly shedding light on the creation,
establishment, and maintenance of complex social systems. It provides insight into the world's
most pressing political and social issues. Contemporary social anthropology studies a wide range
of topics, from the social implications of new reproductive and information technologies to the
analysis of the social meanings of consumer behavior. It also studies violence, poverty, and the
means of resolving conflicts and alleviating human suffering. Companies like Google and Intel,
for example, make use of anthropologists to comprehend the interaction of people and technology.
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