The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was fought intermittently between 14 August 1987 and 23 March 1988, south and east of the town of Cuito Cuanavale.
I think Raul Castro emphasized the role that his elder brother Fidel Castro played in the battle of cuito cuanavale based on the following arguments;
Raul’s comment that Cuban soldiers fought for Carlota’s legacy “without even knowing it yet” points to the fact that the invocation of Carlota’s name became more important after Angolan victory than before. It points also to the Castros’ ability to construct a legend around Carlota, a figure whom their soldiers were scarcely familiar with before being deployed to fight in her name. This demonstrates the ability of Raul and Fidel to influence popular opinion surrounding not only their own government, but also the memory of Cuba’s slavery.
Same to his brother Fidel, Raul Castro emphasized the importance of the battle and chose to support his elder brother Fidel in the battle.
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