History Genuineness
Historical methods are compilations of guidelines and techniques that are useful to historians in researching and writing past histories. For the credibility of historical evidence of sources of history formulation, it is crucial to establish the genuine of the material. According to Gottschalk, the historical methods of discussing genuineness are important for establishing the credibility of the source material. We should establish, how genuine the material is for the following reasons;
- For the credibility of the source material, it must be established that the source has no intention of creating bias. If it doesn’t bias then it increases its genuineness as historical reference material.
- The credibility of the source material increases when the source material is backed by multiple independent sources.
- Testimonials from second-hand person narratives aren’t much reliable than eyewitness presentations. Therefore, the genuineness of the source material increases when the source is directly involved in the formulation of history.
- The accuracy of a historical happening is more evidenced by how the material is closely related to the time of the happenings of the historical phenomena in the study. Its genuineness increases with its closeness to the happening of the history it purports to support.
- For increased reliability, the originality of the source increases its genuineness since any source material can be corrupted or forged.
- Narratives aren’t reliable than relics. Relics are statements like preserved narratives and fingerprints. These increase the genuineness of the source material.
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