Summarizing Question:
In a monotheistic religion, the belief shows that there are three characteristics of God. 1. There is a plan for all of creation
2. God remains active in his creation providing guidance and laws
3. People view a relationship with God as personal.
Based on the characteristics listed above, choose a monotheistic religion and describe how that religion’s idea of God represents these characteristics.
Christianity is monotheistic in the sense that it recognizes just one spiritual being as God. It continues by stating that this is due to the fact that there is only one Divinity. We care for creation because it is a means of God's revelation and because it has inherent value and virtue because it was created by God. We interact with creation in a way that preserves its ability to reveal God, restores and rehabilitates mistreated portions of creation, and opposes uses of creation that undermine its revelatory role.
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