In an effort to bring about racial equality in this nation, President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act (1964) & Voting Rights Act (1965) and days later, the Watts Rebellion/Riot occurred. You are being tasked with examining why Civil Rights Leaders such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., warned Whites who were celebrating that racism had finally been subdued that their celebrations were premature. Hint: Your answer should include Dr. King’s admonishment that the Civil Rights Movement had two stages: (1) Securing equality on the law books of America and (2) The Exercise/Activation of that equality.
The white identity is revealed to be contextual and episodic. Before President Trumen took over, racial segregation in the U.S. was a reality. The U.S was a white dominant nation. However, the declaration Order 0091 and the court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education made all Americans to believe in President’s Truman’s words, “that every man should be free to live his life as he wishes. He should be limited only by his responsibility to his fellow countrymen. If this freedom is to be more than a dream, each man must be guaranteed equality of opportunity. The only limit to an American’s achievement should be his ability, his industry, and his character. These rewards for his effort should be determined only by those truly relevant qualities.
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