importance of gender equality in contemporary africa.
Gender equality promotes better healthcare for women because according to research it is evident that women receive worse medical care than men due to lack of education and lower incomes. When both men and women are treated equally in the society, their health will be impacted positively.
It promotes businesses and job opportunities. Since women undergo the same academic and job opportunities as men, this improves any organization they join because of the diversity. They also increase an organizations productivity, innovation and performance when men and women work together.
It enhances legal protection. Women aren’t well protected from domestic, economic and sexual violence hence, these types of violence hinder a woman’s safety and freedom. Therefore, increasing women’s legal rights keeps them safe and able to live happy lives.
Reduction of poverty. When both men and the women receive better education, healthcare services and employment opportunities they can thrive thus investing in gender equality is a sustainable and a highly effective mechanism of curbing poverty.
Gender equality is essential to enabling men and women to participate equally in the community and and in economic growth.
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