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6) D-Day-4 to D-Day-1 (Days just before D-Day) What was the signal that D-Day was drawing near? How do the troops prepare for D-Day?
7) D-Day: Describe the D-Day landing scenes. What happens as the troops land on the beaches of Normandy?
8) Nearly 10,000 allied soldiers died or were injured on D-Day, however the imagery in the film doesn’t show this. Why do you think this was? (Hint: keep in mind the audience)
9) imagine you were an American citizen who saw this film in 1944 - how might this video have made you feel? Do you think you’d feel patriotic? Optimistic that the United States would win? Why or why not?
10) How does the imagery in the video - specifically the facial expressions, body language of the soldiers, and the scenes the filmmakers chose to include, reflect the positive attitude that General Eisenhower was trying to put forth in his order of the day?
6. The Allies conducted deception campaigns to mislead the Germans about the intended invasion target.
7. 6, 000 US paratroopers dropped inland behind enemy lines.
8. The scenes are not shown because they are too scary and may not be suitable for some audience including children.
9. As the citizen of America I would have felt optimistic that we were winning the war. This is because the enemy was too cruel and heartless.
10. All of northern France had been liberated, and by the following spring the Allies had defeated the Germans. The body language and facial expressions of the soldiers reflected their optimism and urge to win the war
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