Teaching in the modern South African classroom to equip our learners going into the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)
The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is about breaking the boundaries that exist between the digital, physical, and biological world. It involves fusion of different technologies such as robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IOT), and genetic engineering. As the world moves forward technology becomes a part of life. The best way to fully incorporate technology is to merge it with education. South Africa is one of the leading economic countries and has the potential of growing due to 4IR. However, South Africa education is not considered one of the best. To embrace 4IR South Africa will have to change its education strategy. For instance, they have to train teachers on matters technology, carry further research in 41R and education, and equip learners with the necessary technological materials. South Africa has the potential and all it needs to do is channel all its resources and embrace 4IR as the world's breakthrough.
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